Angular JS

Angular JS

Angular JS is currently being maintained by developers at Google. It is open-source software released under MIT license. It is an MVW framework means a model view whatever so, this can be used to develop apps. Model, view, controller, scope, directives, expressions, and templates are the components of Angular JS. This is a client-side Javascript framework used to make single-page applications. It runs in a web browser. This enhances HTML by attaching directives to your pages with new attributes or tags and expressions in order to define very powerful templates directly in your HTML.

In the HTML, we can add a text field and bind it to the application. If we want to remove items from the list it is also available in this. If the application has some errors, if we want to add the same item once again, then the application will crash. The application works but could use a better design. We can use the W3.CSS style sheet to make it more perfect.

Improve design architecture is one of the benefits of Angular JS. Then promotes code reusability, developers can re sure the codes that made before for different applications. If we want to add some existing components, we just need to copy and paste that one. The MVC architecture ensures the application development, testing, and maintenance are fast. This can handle dependencies and couple with MVC architecture that make a faster development. It also has some limitations. It is less secure, and also only emphasizes JavaScript. In Angular JS there is an issue of memory leakage. Internet Explorer 8.0 doesn't support Angular JS. Angular JS is an open-source web application framework maintained by Google. It aims to simplify both the development and testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side MVC
